Zemlja po svoje, mi pa še vedno pedala na Giru. Nedeljski kronometer mi je pobral kar nekaj moči, kakor tudi ceremonije, katerih nisem navajen, čeprav upam, da jih bom doživljal čim bolj pogosto. Prosti dan vedno mine zelo hitro, tako tudi tokrat, namesto budilke pa me je prebudila doping kontrola. Včerajšnja etapa se mi je zdela zelo težka, nekaj minut sem zaostal, na kolesu mi je crknila baterija menjalnika in sem menjal celo kolo, v cilju sem se počutil, kot da bom zbolel. A ker se vse vrti, sem tudi sam danes moral zavrtet, danes še bolj dolgo 220 km s tehnično težkim zaključkom, no imel sem pa nekaj sreče, ko je bilo pol grupe na tleh sem se po levi strani ognil padcu (link) – čeprav se je peloton raztrgal in smo ostali zadaj, garali pa kot bi bili spredaj. Stevenu (kapetanu) gre odlično in tudi v prihodnjih dneh se bomo trudili, da tako ostane! Veselim se, da smo vsako etapo bližje Sloveniji 😀
Eppur si muove – Earth is turning in her own way and we are still turning the pedals on the Giro. Sundays TT took a lot of power out of me, as well did the ceremonies, that I am not used to – although I hope I will get a chance to recapture those feeling a couple more times in the future. Rest day is always over very quickly, it was the same on Monday. Instead of alarm in the morning I was woke up by doping control. Yesterday’s stage was really hard and long, had to change my bike again, because battery in gearbox went empty, after yesterday’s stage I didn’t feel very well. But since everything is turning around us, I had to push the pedals for even longer, today. 220 k long stage with a very technical finish, well I had some luck today, I was able to avoid the big crash of the bunch on the left side (link), the peloton has split and we stayed behind. Steven is doing really well and in the coming days we will try to do everything that stays on top! Glad that we are one stage closer to Slovenia. 😀