
Rest of the season

Po Touru in večinoma prijetnih obveznostih, sem imel priložnost prvič dirkati nekaj kriterijev na Nizozemskem in v Belgiji, to je bila zares posebna izkušnja, predno sem se spet posvetil treningu, sedaj pa bo kmalu čas, da začnemo ponovno dirkati, naslednji teden odpotujem v Francijo na dirko Bretagne Classic – Ouest France, nato pa čisto v začetku septembra v Veliko Britanijo na Tour of Britain, naslednja postaja pa upam da je Norveška, kjer je letos svetovno prvenstvo, ampak to je potem že konec septembra, ups.
After the Tour and all the responsibilities, I had a chance to race on few criteriums in Belgium and Holland for the first time, a special experience, I must say. Then I focused on the trainings again and now is soon time to race again. Next week I am traveling to France to race Bretagne Classic Ouest France, and then in the beginning of September to the Tour of Britain. Next stop hopefully is Norway, where the World Championship is, but that’s the end of September, which for now is far away… J
Kriterij na Nizozemskem
photo by : Leon Verbraecken