
the finish line

Uf kakšen teden je za nami. Včerajšnja kraljevska etapa je definitivno upravičila svoje kraljevo ime. Takoj od začetka sem bil vpleten v neizogiben grd padec na desno stran, po menjavi kolesa smo tako morali nadoknaditi minuto, da smo prišli nazaj do pelotona, kar je bilo priznam, težko. Na klance so se začeli pričakovani napadi, katere nam je uspelo uspešno pokriti, razen na zadnji klanec, kjer je dirka dokončno razpadla. Bolj ko se je dirka bližala koncu, bolj mrtvi smo bili, trpel sem za 9.mesto, na splošno pa smo lahko zelo zadovoljni s skupno zmago, tremi drugimi mesti in etapno zmago. Sedaj nekaj dni počitka, upam da si bom hitro opomogel od padca, nato pa trening do dirke po Romandiji konec aprila.
Hvala vsem za lepe želje in čestitke, Rogla.
Prispevek RTVSLO
Photo: Steephill.tv
vuelta Pais Vasco stage 6 Eibar to Arrate
What a week. Yesterday’s Queen Stage really deserved its name. Right after the start I was involved in a bad crash, fell on the right side, changed bike, we had to chase one minute gap to the peloton, which was really hard effort. On the climbs the expected attacks started, we managed to cover them, except on the last climb, where race really cracked.  I really suffered for the ninth place, but in general I think we can be really happy with the overall win and a stage win but also with three second places. J Now a few days of rest, hoping to recover from the crash, and then training till the Tour de Romandie at the end of April. Thank you team and thank you all for the good wishes and congratulations.
Ciao, Rogla