
Tour of the Basque country

Zdi se mi, da je čas da oživim tale blog:)
Pred startom tretje etape Dirke po Baskiji in po dveh etapah,  imamo dva druga mesta, drugi sem tudi v generalni razvrstitvi. Veliko dvojk :). Z ekipo LottoNL Jumbo se bomo seveda borili še vsak dan do konca, več o sami dirki pa lahko najdete tukaj: Dirka po Baskiji
Do kmalu, Rogla:)
Decided to bring this blog back to life 🙂
So here we are before of the start of the stage 3, and after 2 stages I have 2 second places and I am also second in the general classification. 🙂 With the Team LottoNL Jumbo we will keep fighting day by day, you can find out more about the race here : Tour of the Basque Country
Stay tuned, Rogla 🙂
photos by : Photo Gomez Sport / www.photogomezsport.com