
Tour de France

Primož Roglič Tour De France

Pred startom sedme etape na dirki po Franciji še pogled nazaj.

Etape minevajo kar hitro, ekipa pa je vknjižila že dve etapni zmagi. Sanjski začetek. Imeli smo nekaj slabega vremena, kar za dirko po Franciji, ki je sicer na sporedu v juliju ni značilno, a tudi nepredvidljivosti so čar kolesarstva.

Letos je na dirki po Franciji zaradi virusa drugače, a tudi novih pravil se počasi privajamo. Veseli me, da imamo možnost da sploh nastopamo.

Zbrano nadaljujemo dan za dnem, ter poskušamo dirkati po svojih najboljših močeh, pa vidimo, kam nas to pripelje.Au revoir, Rogla.

Before the start of the seventh stage of the Tour de France, let’s take a look back.

The stages pass quickly, and the team has already achieved two stage victories. A perfect start.

We also had some bad weather, which is not typical for the Tour, which is normally scheduled for July –  but this year everything is different and the unpredictability is also the charm of cycling.

This year, the race is different because of the virus, but we are also slowly getting used to the new rules. I’m glad we have a chance to perform at all.

 We continue focused day by day, and we will try to do our best, and we see where this will take us. Au revoir, Rogla.

PHOTOS BY:photo AW/SWPix/Cor Vos © 2020