Volta ao Algarve

Leto pa res hitro mine, lansko leto sem se ob takem času tu na Portugalskem čudil prekrasni obali, letos se spet! Lani je bilo malo drugače, zame prva evropska dirka, ki sem jo startal bolj radovedno, sicer pa se je razpletlo odlično, 3.mesto in 5.generalno. Ko se spominjam kako lepo je tu v Algarve-ju, pa se spominjam tudi slabih cest, luknja pri luknji in pa grozno strmega klanca, se ga več ne bojim. Dobro, bolj strmo kot prejšnji teden v Valencii skoraj ne more biti- Dirka se začne jutri z ravninsko etapo, potem gorska, posamični kronometer, ravninska in gorska za konec, dvakrat na Malhao.  Prvič bom lahko popeljal tudi novi dres državnega prvaka v vožnji na čas. Danes smo se bolj u izi zapeljali, si ogledali cilj jutrišnje etape, jutri delamo za šprinterje! Etape naj bi se vsak dan v živo prenašale tudi na Eurosportu po prenosu kolesarske dirke iz Andaluzije (Ruta del Sol), okoli 17:00 CET.  Spremljajte nas, navijajte! 😀 Več informacij o dirki tukaj.
 Time flies, last year at the same time I was here in Portugal, impressed by the beauty of nature, and this year everything is the same.  Last year was a bit different, it was my first European race in world tour, and I was curious, anyway it turned out great, with 3rd place and 5th in the GC.  When I am thinking about this stunning coast here in Algarve, I also remember roads with lots of holes and bumps and a very steep climb. Well, I hardly believe that it can be steeper than last week in Valencia… the race starts tomorrow with a flat stage, second one is hilly and third is individual time trial. It ends Sunday, when we pass the Malhao climb twice. Today we did an easy recon ride and checked the finish of first stage, which is very important for us, because we will work hard tomorrow for the sprinters!! Live coverage is promised, every day on Eurosport, after the Ruta de Sol. Looking forward to race with the team!! More info about the race here. 

Naravna čudesa in podobca na plaži…:D