

Počasi, a vztrajno se približuje nova kolesarska sezona. Letos se bom večji del zime pripravljal na Mallorci, kjer je klima blaga, vzponi pa dovolj kolesarsko ne-prijazni. Konec novembra se brez težav vozim v kratkih hlačah in majici. Sezona, ki se je zaključila je bila dolga in dobra. Prva na najvišjem nivoju, poleg prvega Grand Toura, zame bogata tudi na reprezentančni ravni –  olimpijske igre, evropsko in svetovno prvenstvo; vse to so bogate izkušnje in pomembne lekcije. V kratkem se bo ekipa zbrala na prvem training kempu, da začrtamo smernice za 2017. Se veselim nove, do takrat pa mi ostane še kar nekaj poti na slikovitem otoku…
Slowly, but surely new cycling season is getting closer. This year, I will be preparing on Mallorca almost through whole winter. The climate here is mild and the climbs are enough (not) kind for a picky cyclist. You can easily ride in shorts at the end of November. This year’s season was long and good. My first one on the world tour level, among the first Grand Tour also the Olympic games, European and World championship –  an important experiences and lessons. In short the team will gather on the first training camp, where we will set the guidelines for 2017. Looking forward to a new season, till then there are still some roads to ride on this scenic island…