Pred natanko desetimi leti na današnji dan sem hudo padel v naši Planici, ki je bila takrat največja smučarska letalnica na svetu. Manj kot mesec dni pred nesrečo smo postali mladinski ekipni svetovni prvaki v smučarskih skokih. Prepričan sem bil da je to moja pot v življenju. Danes ne bi rekel da je ta padec odločil mojo kariero, skakal sem vsaj še 4 leta od takrat. Vseskozi verjel, da nekak bo ratalo. Ko pogledam nazaj sem hvaležen za izkušnje, ki sem jih pridobil kot smučarski skakalec in zato, da sem dobil »drugo« priložnost kot kolesar. V novem in starem športu pa je nekaj enako; naučil sem se da ne glede na to kako trdo priletiš ob tla, se moraš vedno spraskat nazaj gor in nadaljevati – samo naprej…ne popuščamo¨!!! 😀 #lessonslearned #skijumping #cycling #planica #goodandbadmemories
Excatly 10 years ago today I crashed badly on what was at that time the bigest skijumping flying hill in the world- in our home Planica. Less than a month before this we became junior World Champions. I was sure that this is my purpose in life. Today I would not say that this jump decided my career, because I continued competing for 4 or 5 more years. Always belived that somehow I will make it. When I look back I am grateful for experiences that I got as a skijumper, and thankful to be given a second chance as a cyclist. In my old and new sport I learned, that no matter how hard you hit the ground you always have to get up and go for it! #lessonslearned #skijumping #cycling #planica #goodandbadmemories