Bloody sport.

Tirreno Adriatico dirka se ni  pričela čisto po mojih željah, v bistvu sem imel veliko smolo. Dirka se je začela z ekipnim kronometrom, peljali smo se na start ko je nekdo iz druge ekipe nenadoma odprl vrata, ker sem bil prvi sem priletel direktno noter, padel na levo ramo in koleno, kar naenkrat sem bil na tleh.  Na začetku sem mislil da mi ni nič, prstov nisem čutil kot vedno ko se udariš, ampak v naslednjem momentu začel močno močno krvaveti, poskusil ostati miren, čeprav sem skoraj odtrgal blazinico na levem prstancu. Časa za ambulanco ni bilo, štartal sem samo z povitim prstom, v glavi sem imel samo eno misel- preveč smo trenirali da bi mi en prstek pokvaril Tirreno. Po etapi sem dobil nekaj šivov, kljuvajočo bolečino v prstu, antibiotike in vse kar gre zraven. Dobr, noge so me vseeno bolele bolj kot odprti prst.
Včeraj na kraljevski etapi sem dal vse od sebe, pa 4km do cilja ugotovil da to danes ne bo za sam vrh, tako da sem nadaljeval v svojem ritmu, na koncu sem bil pa vseeno zadovoljen z rezultatom. Ekipno se je končalo dobro. Z enim očesom me je že skrbela današnja etapa, da jo le preživimo, dolga s sedmimi klanci eden za drugim, z naklonom 16-22 stopinj, juhu. Problem imam tudi z želodcem, zaradi antibiotikov me zafrkava prebava in 40 km do cilja nisem vedel če bom sploh zdržal do konca. V cilju se sploh nisem ustavil, ampak šus do busa na WC! Rezultatsko se je končalo super, imel sem super noge in užival v dirkanju. Jutri upam da se izognemo vsem težavam, kar nam zaenkrat uspeva, ekipa dela odlično in zadnji dan startam z nalogo čim hitreje prevoziti kronometer! Upam da se do takrat prebava zrihta, ker imam beli dres, haha.

zadnjih 500 m
The race didn’t started well for me, I was really unlucky I would say. When we were riding towards the starting ramp, someone from other team’s car suddenly opened the door, and I crashed directly into it. I fell hard on left shoulder and knee. Firstly, I didn’t felt the finger and I thought it was OK, but in the next moment it started bleeding hard, but we tried to remain calm. It wasn’t enough time to get it checked by doctors, so I started with a bandage. I my mind there was only one thing – the boys and I trained too much that one finger will ruin our race. We raced OK, and I got some stiches after the finish.  Still my legs were more painful than my cut finger. Yesterday’s Queen stage we raced well, 4k to finish I realized that I don’t have the legs to win, so I continued in my own tempo, in the end result was good, I think we can be satisfied. With one eye I was already on today’s stage, I knew it will be tricky, 7 climbs with very steep gradient, the team survived very well.  I also have problems with my stomach, so I didn’t stop at the finish but just rode to the bus, directly to the toilet haha. Today we made a good result, tomorrow we will try to stay outta problems, and they Tirreno finishes with individual time trial… I hope my stomach problems will be over then, because I have white race suit haha.  #thankboys #sammenwinnen