Joj, je že 2016. leto, ki je minilo je bilo dobro, na trenutke težko. Proti koncu leta nisem toliko sedel na kolesu, temveč v šolskih klopeh – nova ekipa me je poslala na učenje njihovega jezika na Nizozemsko (raje bi bil 7 ur na kolesuJ), potem pa še na teambuilding, kjer smo pod okriljem kraljeve vojske v kasarni počeli vse mogoče; se metali preko ovir, skakali iz stolpov, delali sklece ob 5 zjutraj… Za leto, ki se je ravnokar začelo pa me čakajo nove barve, novi izzivi; no ja niti ne bom čakal tako dolgo, ker že čez nekaj dni odpotujemo v Avstralijo, kjer se v sredini januarja začne Santos Tour Down Under. Do takrat še nekaj težkih treningov v Kataloniji, kjer se brez težav voziš s kratkimi rokavi, čeprav te na 38 stopinj, ki jih napovedujejo za Avstralijo ne more pripraviti nič! Spet me čakajo učne ure, tokrat v rumenem dresu nizozemske ekipe LottoNL Jumbo. Bomo videli, kaj in kako bo, vsem pa želim srečno 2016!
Oh, it’s 2016 already. The year that passed was good, but difficult at the times. Towards the end I did not sit much on the bike, but more in school benches – new team has sent me to learn their language to the institute in the Netherlands (I would rather do 7 hours on the bikeJ), then we had teambuilding, which was under the auspices of the Royal DutchArmy – doing everything possible; throwing over the obstacles, jumping from the towers, do push-ups at 5 in the morning … In the year that has just begun, new colors and new challenges are waiting for me. Well, I will not even wait that long because in a few days we are traveling to Australia, where in the middle of January begins Santos Tour Down Under. Until then, we will make some hard trainings in Catalonia, where it is comfortable to ride with shorts and in short jerseys, although I think that nothing can prepare you for he 38 degrees that are predicted for Australia. Again, I am waiting for some lessons, this time in the yellow jersey of the Dutch team LottoNL Jumbo. We’ll see what and how it will go, I wish you all a happy 2016!
Some memories of 2015…
And the 2016 line up! 😀