Moje potovanje se je začelo že v četrtek v Barceloni, od koder smo leteli na Nizozemsko na uradno predstavitev ekipe LottoNL Jumbo. Sledili so zdravniški pregledi, nekaj testov pripravljenosti, popoln sken telesa, na kolesu kjer smo testirali me je bolj bolelo kaj drugega kot pa noge. Zanimiva izkušnja, nekaj kilometrov z gorskim kolesom in potem hop dalje na neskončen let proti Singapurju in od tam do Adelaida v Avstraliji. Res popolnoma drug svet, peščene plaže, drugačna narava, vročina prijetno pritiska(niti ne), kolesa se še vedno enako vrtijo, čeprav je pulz visok, vatov ni, noge bolijo! 😀 S cimrom sva prvi dan prespala zajtrk, čisto nič se ne čudim koalam, ki spijo 19 ur na dan… K sreči je še nekaj časa do začetka dirke da se aklimatiziram, medtem ko tole pišem pa še tok tok, doping kontrola ob 21:50 zvečer. Itak, komaj čakam start prve dirke v konkurenci najboljših kolesarjev sveta; bolj kot sama trema, ki je seveda prisotna, me vznemirja pričakovanje kako bo šlo in kje sem – se lahko peljem tako hitro kot drugi? So iz drugega planeta?! Bom videl kmalu.
Pa ja ITAK, sem se odločil, da bom šel »ku skirca, tud če sam«! – zadaj mogoče, haha.
My journey already began on Thursday in Barcelona, from where we flew to the Netherlands to the official team presentation of Team LottoNL Jumbo. Then some medical examinations followed, we also did some tests, and full body scanning – on the test, some parts of my body were hurting more than the legs. An interesting experience, then we made few kilometers with mountain bike and then hop on to the endless flight to Singapore and from there to Adelaide in Australia. Really completely different world down here, sandy beaches, different nature, a »pleasant« pressure of heat, bicycles still have the same spin, although the pulse is high, the watts are gone and legs are in pain! : D In the morning, my roommate and I sleep over breakfast, not a good start, no wonder koalas sleep 19 hours per day here… Luckily, there is still some time until the start of the race and I hope I will acclimate, while I am writing this- knock knock on the doors of our hotel room- doping control for me at 21:50 in the evening! 😀
Anyway, I can not wait for the start of the first race in the competition of the best riders of the world; nervousness is of course present, I am more excited of the expectations of how it will go, and where Iactually am – can I ride as fast as they do? Or are they from another planet?! Soon to find out, looking forward.