še malo!!

No takole pa sem preživel svoj prvi start/krst med elito ?  People`s choice classic, kriterij po ulicah Adelaida, ki služi kot uvod v tekmovalno sezono. Zlagal bi se če bi rekel da nisem imel malo treme še pred startom vendar se mi zdi prav, da jo imam! Kaj kmalu sem lahko izkusil, da so vsi fantje tu izjemno hitri – brzina pelotona je…. impresivna! Ta pričetek mi je bolj služil kot dodaten trening hitrosti, ventile sem odprl tako da že lahko mirno pričakujem start dirke. Gremo novim izzivom naproti. Danes smo imeli easy ride z Bianchi Australia, ter tudi kosilo z njimi. Vreme je poletno vroče, vroče pa bo tudi jutri, ko gre zares, starta namreč Tour Down Under.  Več o dirki in etapah pa na tej povezavi. Spodaj pa še nekaj slik iz starta, treningov, druženja, obvezno branje…:D
Well I survived my first start among the elite  ? People`s choice classic crite in the streets of Adelaide, which serves as an introduction to the competition season. I’d be lying if I said that I wasnt nerveous before the start but it seems to me that is the right thing! Soon I was able to experience that all the guys there extremely fast – peloton velocity is …. impressive! This start for me was only as an additional training speed, too wake up the body so that I can already expect the start of the race more calmly.  Today we had easy ride with the Bianchi Australia, as well as lunch with them. The weather is hot like in  summer, there will also be hot tomorrow, when it’s happening for real, challenge is the Tour Down Under. Learn more about the race and the stages here