Hm, spet premišljujem, so vsi ti štarti vedno malo boleči. Vsekakor ni dobro, da sem naredil napako in padel. Šlo mi je kar dobro, sem si mislil potem pa BAM in sem na tleh. Mi je sigurno hudo, vendar vse to sprejemam kot potrebno učenje in je tudi del mojega poklica. Saj mi tudi ni nič hujšega, recimo. Izpahnil sem si ramo, isto kot pred letom in pol v Italiji, me je pa vsekakor bolelo manj kot prvič! Bolj me boli rit, ne vem niti če je moja oziroma izgleda kot od orangutana? Težje je bilo potem spremljati etapo še naprej, se spraševati kje bi bil, od tega dne sem si obetal največ. Namesto da bi se čimprej spravil v hotel me je v cilju po koncu dirke, kjer sem bil že kot gledalec čakala še doping kontrola, juhu. Sem pa sporočil in dobrih želja prejel toliko, kot da bi zmagal. Hvala vsem, do naslednje dirke.
Well, I am thinking about it again, all the starts are always a little painful. It is certainly not good that I made a mistake and fell. It went well, I was doing fine and then BAM and I was on the floor. Sure it’s hard, but I am accepting it as a necessary learning and also as a part of my job. Actually, it is not that bad. I dislocated my shoulder, the same as a year and a half ago in Italy, but it was definitely less painful than the first time! The most affected was my butt, I do not even know if is mine, looks more like the orangutan`s? It was tough to watch the stage and to wonder where wonder where would I be, I was actually expecting the most of this stage. Instead of leaving quickly to the hotel, there was a doping control waiting for me at the finish line, where I was already as a spectator. But I received so many messages and good wishes like I would win the race. Thank you for that, till the next race.