Nič, hitro je šlo tole naokoli, kmalu po Avstraliji nova dirka, spet z zasedbo odličnih kolesarjev. Sam sem se od padca že nekoliko pozdravil, rane še niso čisto suhe, nekaj bolečin v rami sicer ostaja, da vem da jo imam; predvsem ko se moram na kolesu za kronometer, zložiti v puščico. Zadnji teden pred prihodom sem sem opravil nekaj kvalitetnih, zelo težkih treningov in tako sem lahko malo bolj samozavestno prišel na Portugalsko. Čeprav spet nisem vedel kaj pričakovati? Izlet na jug in prizore iz turističnih katalogov, ker je Algarve res fascinantna obmorska kulisa? Ponovno kakšno lekcijo od najboljših? Konkurenco, s katero sem zdaj stal na startni črti sem pred nekaj meseci še občudoval po TV. Dva od treh zmagovalcev lanskih Grand Tourov, pa ti zraven, Rogla s Kisovca.
Po prvi etapi sem se počutil dobro in sem se že prej odločil da drugo poskušam zmagati, čeprav nimam pojma kako. Glavo dol pa cepaj, in na koncu je res šlo za milimetre. Ciljno črto sem pričakoval malo dlje na ravnini, šel sem na ful gas, etapa je bila že vseskozi težka, gore dole in ves čas veter. Pa vendar, je na koncu res šlo za mišjo dlako, neverjetno?! Tudi če si dobro pripravljen je resnično ogromno v glavi, posebno na tem nivoju, včasih spustiš, včasih pač greš do konca in prideš. Iz ovinka sem na koncu sprintiral s Sanchezom in Thomasom, ampak sta bila premočna. Vseeno sem presenetil samega sebe. Danes sem opravil s kronometrom, že na ogledu proge sem sam pri sebi rekel: ojoj. OK, res na koncu Evrope pa vendar, ozke ceste, tlakovci, hinavski ovinki in neznosen veter, zelo težkih 22 minut, ampak sem dal vse od sebe, kot vedno, imam pa še ogromno prostora, da se kaj naučim, se mi zdi. Če se medved lahko nauči plesat, potem se bom tudi jaz naučil vozit s kozo! (tak se reče, haha). Grem sproščeno dalje, še težki dnevi nas čakajo. Hvala vsem za čestitke in podporo ! 😀
Yep, this went around quickly , shortly after Australia here is a new race, again with a collection of excellent riders. I already recovered from the crash, wounds are not yet completely dry, there is still some pain in my shoulder, a least I know I have it, some pain still remaining, especially when I have to put myself into an arrow position on the TT bike. Last week I made a few good, very hard trainings so I could come to Portugal more confident. Although again, I did not know what to expect? A trip to the south and scenes from the tourist catalogs, because the Algarve has really fascinating coastal scenery? Any lessons from the best in the peloton ? Competitors, with whom I now stand on the starting line; a few montsh ago I was admiring them on TV! Two out of the three winners of last year’s Grand Tours, and then you, Rogla from Kisovec.
After the first stage I felt good and I have already decided to try to win the Queen stage, although I have no idea how. Head down and push, and in the end it was really about millimeters. I wasnt expecting the finish line so quickly on the summit, I went all in, the stage has already been very hard, all the time ups and downs with a strong constant wind. Yet, in the end it was really very close to unbeliavable?! Even if you’re well prepared it is really important to hold in there mentally, especially at this level, and sometimes you drop the peloton, and some othertime you might just push to the end and win. Out of the final turn I tried to sprint with Sanchez and Thomas, but they were too strong. However, I surprised myself… Today I survived the time trial, already in the morning when we went to check the road I said to myself : oh oh. OK, we really are at the end of Europe but, narrow roads, cobblestones, hypocritical curves and unbearable wind, very difficult 22 minutes, but I put all of me, as always, but I have still a lot of space to learn something here, I think. If a bear can learn hoe to dance, I sure can learn how to ride. So, looking forward, relaxed, yet tough days ahead of us. Thanks everyone for the congratulations! 😀