Malo sem že pozabil kako lepa je Toskana. Lep, topel, sončen dan, popolnoma brez vetra in sproščeno kolesarjenje med vinogradi gor in dol. Res je fajn, ko lahko na kolesu okoli sebe tudi kaj vidiš. Pravo nasprotje od tega, kar se mi verjetno obeta jutri. Dež, veter, mraz, strmi klanci, makadam. Definitivno me čaka štart najbolj nore dirke do zdaj, Strade Bianche. Bele ceste, italijanski odgovor na ardenske klasike, le da je namesto tlakovcev makadam, juhu. Aja pa še tlakovci na koncu, ko se bolj ali manj spektakularno zaključi po ozkih, spolzkih, tlakovanih uličicah in potem na trgu v SIenni. Definitivno ena najbolj atraktivnih dirk izmed vseh in kolesarstvo v vsem svojem sijaju! Nimam pojma kaj lahko pričakujem od sebe in kako se znajdem na makadamu. Dirko bo možno spremljati tudi v živo. Za pokušino pa si poglejte letošnji promo film dirke, jaz imam že danes kurjo polt! 😀
I already forgot how beautiful Tuscany is. Today was a beautiful, warm, sunny day, completely without wind, with some relaxed cycling through the vineyards. It really is nice, when you can ride around and actually see something. The exact opposite of what we can expect tomorrow. Rain, wind, cold, steep slopes, gravel. This will definitely be the craziest race so far for me, Strade Bianche. White roads, the Italian answer to the Arden classics, except that instead of cobblestones, they put graveled roads, well done. Oh and also cobblestones at the end, where race finishes at spectacular market in Sienna, but before that we have some narrow, slippery, cobblestone streets. Definitely one of the most attractive events and cycling in all its glory! I have no idea what to expect of myself and how I find myself on the gravel. There will be live stream of the race avaliable. For the taste, have a look at this promo video of the race, it gave me goosebumps already today.:D