Prva klasika, Hell of the South za mano. Čeprav sem v cilj prišel slabe pol ure za zmagovalcem, ne morem biti razočaran. Nisem prepričan, da je v cilj prišla polovica kolesarjev iz startne liste. Zelo, zelo težka dirka, na srečo sem jo odnesel samo z enim defektom, skoraj brez premora cel čas težko, polna meni nepoznanih, svojevrstnih pasti :). Vsaj meni je bilo najtežje po strmih makadamskih cestah po klancu navzdol v grupi. Zdaj pa naprej, ostajamo v Italiji, sprva se poskusiti kar najbolje spočiti ter naslednje dni potrenirati za ekipni kronometer, za start dirke TIrreno Adriatico v sredo!
First classic, Hell of the South, done! Although I crossed the finish line almost half an hour behind the winner, I can not be disappointed. I’m not sure that half of the riders from the start list finished the race, I was lucky to have only one puncture. Very, very tough race, almost without a pause- difficult all the time, full of unfamiliar things for me! I found the hardest part in descending in the peloton on the steep gravel roads, not comfortable at all. Now we stay in Italy, try to rest as much as possible and train well fort he team time trial, which opens the Tirreno Adriatico race on Wednesday!