
Tirreno Adriatico

Spet nova dirka pred vrati, tokrat etapna dirka od Tirenskega do Jadranskega morja. Kot pred sobotno tudi tokrat z navdušenjem pričakujem  tudi to. Prvič sem v takšnem položaju, ko sem edini kolesar, ki dirka na generalno razvrstitev, treniral sem dobro in bomo videli kako mi bo šlo v boju na klanec, ki bo verjetno odločilni, z najboljšimi. Sicer smo prišli z večimi aduti, in vsako etapo se lahko kdo drug bori za dober rezultat! Pomembna je vsaka etapa, smo dobra ekipa in bom naredil vse, da bo na koncu čim bolje za vse nas. Jutri začnemo z ekipnim kronometrom, dirko pa bo mogoče spremljati tudi v živo. Itak, dal bom vse od sebe in potem sem lahko popolnoma miren s tem, kar to pomeni rezultatsko v tem trenutku, gas! 😀
Again, a new race starts tomorrow, this time stage race from the Tyrrhenian to the Adriatic Sea. As before Saturday`s Strade Bianche, I am again expecting it enthusiastically. It is my first time at this level –  to be in a situation like this- when I am the only rider to race for the GC, I trained well and we will see how we I can go into the fight on the hill, which is likely to be decisive, with the best riders. Otherwise, we came with multiple attributes, and in each stage someone else of my team mates can fight for a good result! Every stage is important, we have a good team and I will do everything that it turns out the best for all of us. Tomorrow we begin with team time trial, the race will be broadcasted  LIVE. Anyway, I will do the best I can and then I can be totally calm with what this means as a result at this time! : D