Evo pa smo na polovici Dirke po Romandiji… Skorajda nisem verjel, da bo glede na sončne dneve prej res tako slabo – a vendar dež ni razočaral, ulivati je začelo na dan prologa. V Aiglu, na 4,8 km dolgem trasi nisem preveč tvegal, spodrsnilo mi je že iz startne rampe, a vendar sem dal vse od sebe. Včerajšnja prva etapa se je že končala na klanec, delali smo dobro, napadali, a ni bilo dovolj za selekcijo, itak smo bili vsi totalno zmrznjeni. Danes zjutraj smo se zbudili v sneg in na srečo so start prestavili vsaj v dolino (začeti bi morali z dolgim spustom), med etapo je snežilo, deževalo, pihalo, ni da ni! Zamrznjeni obrazi, prsti na rokah da ne veš če bremzaš ali prestavljaš, ampak – das ist radsport kot bi rekel moj dober prijatelj! Še vedno je upanje da bo jutri vreme malo boljše, ampak to rečejo vsak dan haha. Imamo dober tim, za vikend nas čaka veliko dela – kraljevska etapa in potem kronometer v Lozani! Borba dalje!
Here we are at the half time of the Tour of Romandie. Because of the sun in the last few days, I almost didn’t believe that the bad weather will really come – but rain didn’t disappoint. It started raining heavily on the day of the prologue and in Aigle on 4,8km long race I slipped already on a starting gate, so I didn’t risk everything, but still gave my best. Yesterday’s stage ended uphill, we did a good job, also we attacked strongly but the profile didn’t allowed any selection and we were all frozen! Today we woke up in snow, luckily they moved the start on flat – we should have started descending. During the stage there was snow, rain, fog, wind, everything. We had frozen faces, haven’t felt fingers (Am I breaking or changing the gear?) We still hope that it will be better weather tomorrow, like every day haha. We have a good team, and for the weekend we will have a lot of work- queen stage and then the TT in Lausanne. Fighting on!