Pais al Vasco, done

Pa je za nami dirka po Baskiji. Kaj naj rečem sem super vesel in zadovoljen s celotnim potekom dirke, kaj več bi pred štartom že težko pričakoval. Priznam še sam sem bil presenečen da mi je 4 etapo uspelo zmagati?!? Včeraj v zaključku žal nisem imel potrebne moči, da bi ostal s čisto prvimi.  Za danes pa sem bil že pred startom dirke odločen da bo moj dan. Od starta sem poskušal na polno na klanec, kar dolg za kronometer 6,5 km, ker sem vedel da na hitrem spustu lahko malo predahnem. Čeprav sem po polovici na koncu postavil peti čas, sem bil najhitrejši v drugem delu, ko je bilo gor in dol, kar mi zelo ustreza. Vseskozi sem se boril s samim seboj in dejstvom da moram obdržati hitrost. Na koncu je bilo dovolj za zmago, in tudi v skupni razvrstitvi sem napredoval na 5.mesto. konec dober, vse dobro. Tudi kot ekipa smo na tej dirki delali res dobro in na koncu mislim da smo lahko vsi zadovoljni z nastopi!  Nič, naslednja dirka Dirka po Romandiji, potem pa par dni počitka, juhej!  
So, the Tour of the Basque Country is done. I think we can be happy with our performances, for myself, and expectations before the race, I couldn’t ask more. Also I was surprised to manage to stay in front of the peloton and win the 4th stage. Yesterday, unfortunately, I just didn’t have the power to stay there all the way to the end. For today, I was decided even before the race that this will be my day. I wanted to start fast on the climb, because I knew that I will be able to take few second of rest on a fast descent. Even though I was 5th in the end after the first half of the stage, in the second part I was the fastest – the profile was up and down which suits me. I was fighting with myself all the time and with the fact that I have to keep the speed. It was enough for the win at the end and I managed to move up to 5th place in the GC.  Everything is well, what ends well. Next race is Tour of Romandie, and then few days of rest, yes! 😀 I think we worked really well as a team, and we can all be satisfied with our performances at the end! Well done!#samenwinnen