Za današnjo etapo nismo pričakovali nič posebnega, zelo hitro in težko smo začeli, prvo uro 48km/h, nekako sem hitro prevzel ritem dirke, proti koncu je bil težak strm klanec, in nekaj napadov mojih sotekmovalcev. Danes so bili vsi super, uspeli smo se obdržat spredaj in po gorskem cilju je sledil 14 km spust, k sreči po široki cesti. Zadnjih nekaj km je bil teren ponovno razgiban, uspelo nam je obdržati pozicijo pa sem poskusil tudi sam. Itak sem šel od prvega momenta z vsem kar sem imel, od začetka sem še upal pogledati nazaj in skoraj čutil sem peloton, kako mi diha za ovratnik. Pod znakom za zadnji km, nisem več pogledal nazaj, samo glava dol in ful gas; drek se bom pisal če me zdaj ujamejo sem si mislil, hudičevo so se vlekli zadnji metri in zelo boleče je bilo, a vendar mi je nekako ratalo, zmagali smo, zelo sem vesel in ponovno sem spoznal da v kolesarstvu tudi če nimaš najboljših nog tisti dan, je važno da imaš jajca. Pa še kulski rek je v angleščini, ki pravi da je mojstru spodletelo večkrat, kot je vajenec sploh poskusil – če ne probaš, ne veš. Jutri Queen stage, na pomoč! 😀
For today’s stage we didn’t expect nothing special, it was hard and fast from the beginning, we went 48 km/h in the first hour, towards the end there was a steep, tough climb, there were several attacks of my team mates, the whole team did an awesome job today. We managed to stay in front and then there was this long descent, luckily on a wide road. At the last few kilometers, the road was a bit up and down again, the attacks started, and we managed to stay in a good position, then I decided to try. I gave it all from the first moment, I could fell the breath of the peloton on my neck, then was this 1 K mark, I was too afraid to look back, just put the head down and push. It was painful as hell, and the last meters were longer then the whole race, but I made it home and we won! It showed once again that in cycling the legs aren’t always decisive, it is about the awareness that you might get caught, but you still go out there. The master has failed more times, than beginner even tried and I think that is what our team showed today! No guts, no glory! Tomorrow Queen stage ! Well done boys, thank you! 😀