Vuelta al Pais Vasco

Oziroma Dirka po Baskiji. Saj bi napisal v njihovem jeziku pa si bom polomil prste; neka španska zasavščina 😀 Pa smo v deželi slabega vremena in strmih klancev. Včeraj je letalo na katerem sem bil že skoraj pristalo v Bilbau, potem pa obrnilo in pristalo v Barceloni. Murphyjev zakon je poskrbel, da smo šli v Barceloni dol z letala, kufri gor kufri dol- in nazaj, tako da na koncu smo prišli na prvotni cilj, a kakih 5 ur kasneje. Danes na treningu smo imeli dež in 7 stopinj, že dolgo nisem občutil tega, zadnji moment preden sem odpotoval z Majorke sem dal kapo ven iz kufra, slaba odločitev očitno. Upam da se uredi in nas vsaj vreme razveseli, klanci vem da nas ne bodo. Tu bom dirkal prvič in mi vse postavlja nov izziv, da spet vidim kam spadam, konkurenca je huda, kot na vseh dirkah najvišje ravni. Nimam kaj izgubiti in boril se bom vsak dan posebej! Seveda z enim očesom na zadnji dan, ko bo na sporedu težek kronometer, kako sem hiter bomo videli, tako ali tako pa moram do tja najprej prit! Številka 161, Primož! 😀 Vsak dan bo prenos tudi na Eurosportu, več informacij o dirki in tudi live stream-e najdete tukaj.
Or Tour of the Basque Country. Here we are in the land of bad weather and steep hills –already yesterday we couldn’t land in Bilbao, so the plane eventually returned to Barcelona for landing, yet in the end we managed to take off again and arrived in Bilbao safely, but off the schedule. Today on training it was raining and it was 7 degrees, quite a long time since has been so cold on the bike – when I was leaving home I took the hat out of the suitcase in the last minute – not the best decision I would say. Well I hope that the weather gets better, I know that climbs will stay the same – scary. 😀 I will race here for the first time so it is a challenge again, to see where we belong on the result board. There is nothing to lose and I believe that we will fight for it every day. Also there is a tough ITT on the last day of the race, on which I have my eye on but first we have to get there, day by day. You can find more info about the race here. Yellow Lotto NL Jumbo jersey and number 161, that’s me! 😀
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