
Bolje pozno kot nikoli, vso pot sem si govoril, samo zdrži spredaj so vrha Matajurja, in res je bilo vredno, kurjo polt sem imel, ko sem videl koliko ljudi stoji za mano in me podpira. Če ne bi bil to ta klanec, bi se še dolgo vlekel v disko grupi – Nepozabno drugače bi odpadel že na prvi klanec. Hvala in vsa čast moji, Slovenci! In posebna zahvala mojim bivšim sotekmovalcem, skakalcem, kaj takega, norci!!!! RTV poročila 😀
Better late than ever, I was saying to myself all the way – just survive to the top of the Matajur, and for real it was worth it – I had goose pumps, when I saw how many people are standing beside me and supporting me.  If there wasn’t that climb I would me still in the disco group! Unforgettable, thank you, Slovenians! And a special thanks to my former teammates, ski jumpers, what a surprise!!!