Evo pa je tretji in zadnji prosti dan skoraj za mano. Imamo roza majico vodilnega, neverjetno! Včeraj sem odpeljal gorski kronometer bolj rezervirano, za svoje dobro in ne čisto na polno, ker se želim pozdraviti od 2 padcev v četrtek…V petek in soboto to definitivno ni bilo mogoče, ker so bili profili etap strašljivi že na papirju. Tudi v nedeljo se mi je bilo v čast peljati mimo domačih navijačev, hvala. Zdaj pa najtežji del Gira – odločilni teden! Imamo majico in Steven je super pripravljen, in gremo v boj dan po dan da to majico pripeljemo do Torina!
Almost done with the third and last rest day of the Giro. We have the maglia rosa, incredible! Yesterday I rode reserved in the MTT, because I want to recover from the crashes on Thursday. That was definitely not possible on Friday and Saturday, the profiles of the stages were scary already on the paper. On Sunday it was an honor to see familiar faces cheering, thank you. And now – the hardest part of the Giro – the last week. We have the pink jersey and Steven is in excellent form, and we are going to fight for pink, day by day, to get this jersey to Turin!