Evo pa sem dočakal tudi svoj najtežji dan tu na Giru, upam, da je bil to prvi in zadnji! Malo še plačujem za nazaj od padcev in potem od dveh zelo težkih etap, kjer sem šel resnično preko sebe, domači navijači ti dajo poseben zagon, ki ga čutiš šele par dni kasneje. Po prostem dnevu se resnično nisem počutil najbolje, in sem se vse do ciljne črte boril – kot za zmago, v resnici pa za obstanek na dirki, res trpel, po domače pljuval kri! Upam da zadnjič, ker nas čaka še ogromno dela. Steven je fenomenalen in ravno to nam daje dodatnih moči za borbo za rožnato. Dan po dan, pa da vidimo.
Yesterday was my toughest day on this Giro so far, I hope it was the last one. Still paying off from the crashes and from two really hard stages, where I went over myself, known faces give on the track give you the strength from which you suffer few days later. After rest day I really didn’t felt good, and was fighting all in to the finish line – not for the win, but to stay in the race, suffering. I hope this was the last time, because we have a lot of work to do in the last week. Steven is outstanding and this gives us extra power to fight for the pink. Day by day and lets see, where this will take us.